Welcome to Fata Morgana
Mirage Mirror
I am afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you Into the unknown
Fata Morgana mágiája
jelenleg aktív

– Hercegnő! Mi történik? Mi ez a varázslat?
– Ez egy átok, léteznie sem volna szabad, nem tudom, hogy a nővéreim miféle sötét praktikákat használtak, hogy létrehozzák, de már késő bármit is tenni.
– Mi fog történni?
– Egy másik világban fogunk felébredni. Mi és mindenki, akit elér az átok. Jól figyelj, Tücsök! Nem fogunk emlékezni arra, kik vagyunk, de ha előbb térnek vissza az emlékeid, mint az enyémek, el kell mondanod, ki vagyok! Tudnom kell! Nem bízok a testvéreimben, többé senkiben, csak benned!
– Dehát...!
Nem volt időm tiltakozni, kérdezősködni vagy tovább értetlenkedni, mert a pulzálás következő hulláma elérte a hercegnőt. Solana köddé vált, a következő hullámban pedig Notus és Boreas is, Calypsoval együtt. A falhoz hátráltam, de a harmadik hullám engem is elért. Mintha elfújták volna a gyertyát, a gondolataim, a félelmeim, az álmaim, a céljaim... minden eltűnt, eltűntem én is, egy teljes pillanatra megszűntem létezni, majd egy új világban ébredtem valaki másként.” – Részlet a Tücsök Tihamér történetéből
Fata Morgana

Számos és számtalan
karakter állás
Beszélgethetsz bárhogy
még állatok nyelvén is
Csillámport szórunk
a hőseinkre
Jelenleg 21 felhasználó van itt :: 3 regisztrált, 0 rejtett és 18 vendég :: 2 Bots

A legtöbb felhasználó (271 fő) 2024-10-11, 06:42-kor volt itt.
Mesénk fejezetei
lapozd, nézd!

Cassiope Wolf
Tegnap 12:34-kor

Primrose Arclight
Tegnap 03:29-kor

Onyx Blackwell
2024-10-16, 23:32

Shimada Shohei
2024-10-16, 19:19

Nestia Suralu
2024-10-15, 19:29

Alma Meeuwis
2024-10-13, 15:20

Seungjun Gage
2024-10-13, 14:55

Yoon Mi-ja
2024-10-13, 13:36

Nestia Suralu
2024-10-13, 08:41

Ok Tae-Moon
2024-10-12, 23:40

Kiemelkedõ mesemondók
ebben a hónapban

5 Hozzászólások - 17%

5 Hozzászólások - 17%

3 Hozzászólások - 10%

3 Hozzászólások - 10%

3 Hozzászólások - 10%

3 Hozzászólások - 10%

2 Hozzászólások - 7%

2 Hozzászólások - 7%

2 Hozzászólások - 7%

2 Hozzászólások - 7%

I don't want to go to the dentist
I am afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you Into the unknown
TémanyitásI don't want to go to the dentist Empty2024-03-14, 19:06

Babytooth & Ryder Nattura

I just send him a reassuring smile. It is not that easy to scare me however when I get too focused on something, any other distractions can startle me.
- T-thanks… - I think I feel my cheeks go a little red because of his compliment. I try to look away so I can hide how nervous I am because of his words. It was quite easy for him to make me feel this way but why is that actually? Is it because I also find his name cute? My gosh! Not cute! Why did that word come to mind?! I shake my head instead, so I can get myself back to reality.
- That’s okay. Not everyone has to be a social, outgoing person. - and there is nothing wrong with that. I try to smile wider so I can show him empathy and support. I would never try to change a person or their perspective of life. Instead, I want to help them make it more comfortable.
- Really? Where do you work at? - my curiosity grows. Sister too? That must be nice… Having a sibling. I wish my brother was here too. - Me? No, I finished a couple years ago. Now I am trying to be a dentist as well but I am still waiting on finishing some exams. But I used to go to this school too. Tell me, are the teachers still the same? Like the counselor, Mr Bodhi?

338 szó ✦ Snowman ✦ Babytooth, the Guardian!


So they can smile back!
Nem szórt rá senki csillámport

Alune Truman
Alune Truman
Mesehõs :
I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_mgdgxph1k91r7oljbo2_250
Az Öt Legenda
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist 435ebb9bb5d55ee6b49aa1070c3c63541303d414
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Isabella Moner/Merced
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_n08t7l6dux1rm1by1o1_500
A tükör mögött :

I don't want to go to the dentist Empty
TémanyitásI don't want to go to the dentist Empty2024-03-08, 08:39

I don’t want to go to the dentist
Lulu & Kon

-Ahh okay, I’m glad I didn’t scare you! - put together his hands like he wants to pray and then he just puts them in his pocket.
-Yeah, I meant it! - I snapped right away when the girl asked him. I’m feeling a little shy tho, because I don’t say things like this very often. Also, not really often to a girl who is not my sister or boss. I do not really care about the girls in the school. Maybe because I just didn’t find the right girl. But anyway, why am I thinking things like this? Cut it out Haakon!
-Your name is extraordinary. - again, I’m saying thighs like this. Am I really that hopeless? Maybe. I'm not sure...
-Sorry… I don’t think that going to eat me. I’m just… Can I say that I’m a little bit shy? Maybe because I’m more like an introvert type then extrovert. - I give her an awkward smile and follow her when she’s saying the doctor is waiting for me.
I breathe deeply and then just nod. I’m feeling a little braver. Talking to her was a great feeling and I calmed down a bit.
-Oh yes. I’m still a student but I will soon finish school. Also, I have a few part time jobs too, so I can help my sister. And you? Are you still in school?

227 szóHelp me

Signature place here
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Haakon Hedegaard
Haakon Hedegaard
Mesehõs :
I don't want to go to the dentist Ryder-ryder-nattura
Ryder Nattura
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
A másik felem :
Maybe I don't know about you right now...

I don't want to go to the dentist 643c54d464f465d9e9615edb8a5e90d2

I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_n33iafKoFX1qk9eg1o4_r1_250

...but that's won''t stop me!
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist C068221081b0e1bc850f16fda7e32c2d7f99db02
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Deaken Bluman
Itt lelsz rám ✦ Fata Morgana :
Észak (Frostcall)
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist A64be6cca597a8c2a705706c75dad917d75668bd
A tükör mögött :

I don't want to go to the dentist Empty
TémanyitásI don't want to go to the dentist Empty2024-02-16, 17:35

Babytooth & Ryder Nattura

I just send him a reassuring smile. It is not that easy to scare me however when I get too focused on something, any other distractions can startle me.
- T-thanks… - I think I feel my cheeks go a little red because of his compliment. I try to look away so I can hide how nervous I am because of his words. It was quite easy for him to make me feel this way but why is that actually? Is it because I also find his name cute? My gosh! Not cute! Why did that word come to mind?! I shake my head instead, so I can get myself back to reality.
- That’s okay. Not everyone has to be a social, outgoing person. - and there is nothing wrong with that. I try to smile wider so I can show him empathy and support. I would never try to change a person or their perspective of life. Instead, I want to help them make it more comfortable.
- Really? Where do you work at? - my curiosity grows. Sister too? That must be nice… Having a sibling. I wish my brother was here too. - Me? No, I finished a couple years ago. Now I am trying to be a dentist as well but I am still waiting on finishing some exams. But I used to go to this school too. Tell me, are the teachers still the same? Like the counselor, Mr Bodhi?

338 szó ✦ Snowman ✦ Babytooth, the Guardian!


So they can smile back!
Nem szórt rá senki csillámport

Haakon Hedegaard csillámport hintett rá

Alune Truman
Alune Truman
Mesehõs :
I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_mgdgxph1k91r7oljbo2_250
Az Öt Legenda
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist 435ebb9bb5d55ee6b49aa1070c3c63541303d414
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Isabella Moner/Merced
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_n08t7l6dux1rm1by1o1_500
A tükör mögött :

I don't want to go to the dentist Empty
TémanyitásI don't want to go to the dentist Empty2024-02-15, 18:50

I don’t want to go to the dentist
Lulu & Kon

Her voice is so soft and cute. That was the first thing that I could think of. I don't usually notice such things anyway, but this time, it is different.
-Oh it's not a problem. I didn't mean to scare you, if I scared you. - okay, just don't say anything more Haakon, this would be really embarassing. I don't know what's wrong with me. This isn't the first time when I'm talking with a girl. I have so many girl class mate and of course, I have a big sister too.
-Yes, it's just cleaning. Nothing more. - I nod my head too in confirmation. I sigh a litte. Okay, this is not a big deal. But I don't want to stay. I hope it won't take a long time. I'm going to treat myself after this, for sure. Yeah, with something delicious will be good.
-Yeah, this is my first time here. - is it that obvious? Oh no. I hoped that she won't notice it. I'm really nervous. Exactly. But when she is telling good things from the doctor, I'm a little bit more relaxed. She looks honest, I can see that.
-Nice to meet you too, Alune! Your name is beautiful. I don't know anyone with that name, so this is a first time too. - I smiled at her too then I realized what did I said. Oh my God, Haakon! How could you say that?! This is our first time, we never met before this!
-I...I mean... It's not a common name, so...so that's why. - okay, stop. Don't say more. I hope she doesn't think that I'm a weird guy or flirting with her or something like that. That won't be a good thing because I'm not that type of boy.

292 szóHelp me

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Valfreyja Hedegaard csillámport hintett rá

Haakon Hedegaard
Haakon Hedegaard
Mesehõs :
I don't want to go to the dentist Ryder-ryder-nattura
Ryder Nattura
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
A másik felem :
Maybe I don't know about you right now...

I don't want to go to the dentist 643c54d464f465d9e9615edb8a5e90d2

I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_n33iafKoFX1qk9eg1o4_r1_250

...but that's won''t stop me!
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist C068221081b0e1bc850f16fda7e32c2d7f99db02
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Deaken Bluman
Itt lelsz rám ✦ Fata Morgana :
Észak (Frostcall)
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist A64be6cca597a8c2a705706c75dad917d75668bd
A tükör mögött :

I don't want to go to the dentist Empty
TémanyitásI don't want to go to the dentist Empty2024-02-10, 22:56

Babytooth & Ryder Nattura

It has been a while since I worked for Toothiana. She was always so kind and caring to me so it wasn’t hard to get used to things around here. Besides, I am trying to follow her footsteps and be a dentist myself. Although, I had to take a little break from school. I don’t have the funds to pay of the tuition and the final exams which would lead me to earn my degree. I am way to exhausted to study now anyways. Maybe Easter Bunny will help me. He was always a great tutor of mine. I wonder if he is still available for some sessions. Well, maybe when I have the time. Toothiana’s been busy lately. The whole town is coming to see her more often. Or maybe I am just spaced out since I don’t get enough sleep.
That is why I don’t even look up when someone comes in, instead I continue to stare at my sketchbook -which is full of doodles that looks like a toddler drew them - until he says hi.
- Oh! H-hi! Hi! Oh my, I am so so sorry, I didn’t see you coming in. Let me see. Haakon…Haakon… Ah! Right here. Just a dental cleaning right? - I look up to him as I follow his name in the computer. I just want to make sure he gets the right treatment. It would be horrible if his tooth would get pulled out just because of a single mistake.
- Is this your first time? Don’t worry, Toothiana is the absolute best. She will do an amazing work. I am Alune Truman by the way, it is very nice to meet you, Haakon. - I smile at him, trying my hardest to drive his attention away from all the dental stuff that’s going to happen to him. Unless I misjudged him and he is not afraid of doctors. But his body language says something different.

321 szó ✦ Snowman ✦ Babytooth, the Guardian!


So they can smile back!
Nem szórt rá senki csillámport

Haakon Hedegaard csillámport hintett rá

Alune Truman
Alune Truman
Mesehõs :
I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_mgdgxph1k91r7oljbo2_250
Az Öt Legenda
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist 435ebb9bb5d55ee6b49aa1070c3c63541303d414
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Isabella Moner/Merced
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_n08t7l6dux1rm1by1o1_500
A tükör mögött :

I don't want to go to the dentist Empty
TémanyitásI don't want to go to the dentist Empty2024-02-05, 12:50

I don’t want to go to the dentist
Lulu & Kon

Fogorvos. Fogászat. Nem tudni miért, de a legtöbb embernek ez egy ősellenség ez a két megnevezés. Ahogyan nekem is. Igaz, elvileg nincs semmi bajuk, mosom őket rendesen, a napi kettő tuti, de van hogy többször is, ahogy kijön a lépés. Úgy hogy kezelem őket normálisan, úgy hogy elvileg nincs semmi bajuk. Ám nem árt néha ellenőrizni őket profi emberrel, nem igaz?
A nővérem nyaggat egy ideje, hogy hívjam fel a klinikát és foglaljak időpontot, de hát valamiért mindig "elfelejtettem", vagy a suli vagy a munka miatt és este meg már senki nem dolgozik ugye bár. Úgy hogy egyik nap a hátam mögött, míg suliban voltam, foglalt nekem egy időpontot, ami ma jött el.
Gondoltam arra, hogy lemondatom, de akkor tuti szidást kapok. Azt se tehetem meg, hogy nem megyek el, mert az azért eléggé bunkóság lenne. Húzom másnak az idejét és helyettem jöhetett volna olyan is, akinek tényleg van panasza. Úgy hogy köszi Valfreyja. Imádlak én is téged.
Amikor megérkezek a fogászathoz, veszek egy nagy levegőt és felsóhajtok. Végül bemegyek. Körbe nézek, vannak egy kevesen, de nincs tömeg. Az mondjuk szerencse. Mondjuk attól függ milyen értelemben, na mindegy.
Odasétálok a recepcióhoz és megnyomom a csengőt, aztán várok, hogy kijöjjön a recepciós. Elvileg még van időm, kb egy tíz percem, de azért szólni kell és le kell fixálni a dolgokat. Mondjuk még mindig van esélyem meglógni, nem? A kijárat felé pillantok. Ajkamba harapok, majd már elindulnék, amikor lépteket hallok meg. A fenébe, elkéstem.
Visszanézek, majd egy fiatal lányt látok meg. Szerintem nem lehet idősebb nálam, sőt...Mondanám, hogy fiatalabb, de legalább velem egy idős.
-Ah...Sz-szia. Khm. - köszörülöm meg a torkom hirtelen. -A nevem Haakon Hedegaard és három órára lenne időpontom. - makogom ki végül, hogy mit is csinálok itt.

286 szóHelp me

Signature place here
Nem szórt rá senki csillámport

Alune Truman csillámport hintett rá

Haakon Hedegaard
Haakon Hedegaard
Mesehõs :
I don't want to go to the dentist Ryder-ryder-nattura
Ryder Nattura
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
A másik felem :
Maybe I don't know about you right now...

I don't want to go to the dentist 643c54d464f465d9e9615edb8a5e90d2

I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_n33iafKoFX1qk9eg1o4_r1_250

...but that's won''t stop me!
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist C068221081b0e1bc850f16fda7e32c2d7f99db02
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Deaken Bluman
Itt lelsz rám ✦ Fata Morgana :
Észak (Frostcall)
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist A64be6cca597a8c2a705706c75dad917d75668bd
A tükör mögött :

I don't want to go to the dentist Empty
TémanyitásI don't want to go to the dentist Empty2023-11-22, 12:15

I don't want to go to the dentist
Alune && Haakon

Signature place here
Nem szórt rá senki csillámport

Haakon Hedegaard
Haakon Hedegaard
Mesehõs :
I don't want to go to the dentist Ryder-ryder-nattura
Ryder Nattura
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
A másik felem :
Maybe I don't know about you right now...

I don't want to go to the dentist 643c54d464f465d9e9615edb8a5e90d2

I don't want to go to the dentist Tumblr_n33iafKoFX1qk9eg1o4_r1_250

...but that's won''t stop me!
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist C068221081b0e1bc850f16fda7e32c2d7f99db02
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Deaken Bluman
Itt lelsz rám ✦ Fata Morgana :
Észak (Frostcall)
✦ ✦ ✦ :
I don't want to go to the dentist A64be6cca597a8c2a705706c75dad917d75668bd
A tükör mögött :

I don't want to go to the dentist Empty
TémanyitásI don't want to go to the dentist Empty

Ajánlott tartalom

I don't want to go to the dentist Empty

I don't want to go to the dentist

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