Welcome to Fata Morgana
Mirage Mirror
I am afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you Into the unknown
Fata Morgana mágiája
jelenleg aktív

– Hercegnő! Mi történik? Mi ez a varázslat?
– Ez egy átok, léteznie sem volna szabad, nem tudom, hogy a nővéreim miféle sötét praktikákat használtak, hogy létrehozzák, de már késő bármit is tenni.
– Mi fog történni?
– Egy másik világban fogunk felébredni. Mi és mindenki, akit elér az átok. Jól figyelj, Tücsök! Nem fogunk emlékezni arra, kik vagyunk, de ha előbb térnek vissza az emlékeid, mint az enyémek, el kell mondanod, ki vagyok! Tudnom kell! Nem bízok a testvéreimben, többé senkiben, csak benned!
– Dehát...!
Nem volt időm tiltakozni, kérdezősködni vagy tovább értetlenkedni, mert a pulzálás következő hulláma elérte a hercegnőt. Solana köddé vált, a következő hullámban pedig Notus és Boreas is, Calypsoval együtt. A falhoz hátráltam, de a harmadik hullám engem is elért. Mintha elfújták volna a gyertyát, a gondolataim, a félelmeim, az álmaim, a céljaim... minden eltűnt, eltűntem én is, egy teljes pillanatra megszűntem létezni, majd egy új világban ébredtem valaki másként.” – Részlet a Tücsök Tihamér történetéből
Fata Morgana

Számos és számtalan
karakter állás
Beszélgethetsz bárhogy
még állatok nyelvén is
Csillámport szórunk
a hőseinkre
Jelenleg 37 felhasználó van itt :: 1 regisztrált, 0 rejtett és 36 vendég :: 1 Bot

A legtöbb felhasználó (271 fő) 2024-10-11, 06:42-kor volt itt.
Mesénk fejezetei
lapozd, nézd!

Cassiope Wolf
Tegnap 12:34-kor

Primrose Arclight
Tegnap 03:29-kor

Onyx Blackwell
2024-10-16, 23:32

Shimada Shohei
2024-10-16, 19:19

Nestia Suralu
2024-10-15, 19:29

Alma Meeuwis
2024-10-13, 15:20

Seungjun Gage
2024-10-13, 14:55

Yoon Mi-ja
2024-10-13, 13:36

Nestia Suralu
2024-10-13, 08:41

Ok Tae-Moon
2024-10-12, 23:40

Kiemelkedõ mesemondók
ebben a hónapban

5 Hozzászólások - 17%

5 Hozzászólások - 17%

3 Hozzászólások - 10%

3 Hozzászólások - 10%

3 Hozzászólások - 10%

3 Hozzászólások - 10%

2 Hozzászólások - 7%

2 Hozzászólások - 7%

2 Hozzászólások - 7%

2 Hozzászólások - 7%

Unfortunate turn of events
I am afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you Into the unknown
TémanyitásUnfortunate turn of events Empty2024-06-30, 13:15

The end
Egy félbehagyott fejezet
Nem szórt rá senki csillámport

Mirage Mirror
Káprázat Tükör
Káprázat Tükör
Mirage Mirror
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Unfortunate turn of events JPbm1tY
Unfortunate turn of events C762116a1803ee0f854bc93c33ab04366020e95a
I am afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you
Into the unknown
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
Titulus :
Pengu ✦ Sisu ✦ Namaari
✦ ✦ ✦ :
Unfortunate turn of events 5fddf4ef6494eaab04a3d1f645e25da2c51b0860
Életkor :
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Kim Soo-hyun ✦ Han So Hee ✦ Gemma Chan
A tükör mögött :
Unfortunate turn of events 6442b92e7f900b694cceef6bce1f5ee9dd32e05b
Evolet Yang
Baba Mirai ✦ Baba Shouta

Unfortunate turn of events Empty
TémanyitásUnfortunate turn of events Empty2024-02-10, 21:59

Unfortunate turn of events

I can’t even express how mad I am right now as the only thing I can do is just hysterically wave my hands next to myself. My keys are gone. Like…GONE! This cannot be happening! Those were the only copies, since I don’t really trust anyone with it. Besides Tristan, he might be a worthy and definitely a wise choice since…you know. My keys just went poof.
- Argh, don’t worry about it, they are gone! I gotta contact the landlord of this place so I can replace the lock or something. I doubt he has a spare with him. - I lock my arms in front of be, showing some sass in my attitude. Oh yeah, I am definitely not happy but I won’t be too mad at Tristan because it’s not his fault. Or atleast not completely. After he gives me a little hope by offering his help, my mood seems to brighten. - Are you…sure about this? - I peak over his shoulder as he bends down to the entrance of the sewer. Even from this far I can smell all sorts of disgustment that goes down there. It is not pleasant at all so I raise my head back up.
- Oh, yeah, absolutely. - I answer. So I take his bag but what now? Before I could even say anything else, he begins to climb down. My face turns to disgust and worry as I follow his body with my gaze.
- If you need some help just…let me know! - I shout after him even though he can hear me loud and clear since he is not that afar. - Just don’t get eaten by the sewer-monster! - or who knows what really lies below our city. I prefer to stay up here where it is clean and I don’t smell like poop. Poor Tristan… He is gonna smell like poop.

307 ✦ baddest ✦ hello there

Calista Evergreen
Nem szórt rá senki csillámport

Calista Evergreen
Calista Evergreen
Mesehõs :
Unfortunate turn of events Tumblr_p8gitzkP6X1ut0jmvo4_400
Cornelia Hale
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
✦ ✦ ✦ :
Unfortunate turn of events 0f9feab9989574f3e76afa61c5532778fd7a6bd8
sarcasm isn't an attitude
Unfortunate turn of events 812b827002af558bfa0b1e6281886acfac1d1bec
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Jenny Boyd
✦ ✦ ✦ :
Unfortunate turn of events 20192879b847cce256c7d50108c0b63dcf33db53
it's an art
Unfortunate turn of events 35f030c46327464b818fc9192d811bd36c120b1e
A tükör mögött :

Unfortunate turn of events Empty
TémanyitásUnfortunate turn of events Empty2023-12-03, 17:56

The key issue
Cornelia & Caleb

My hair was a bit messy when I left the bar. Too many people and too many idiot colleagues I met today, and all of them wanted to talk to me or serve some cocktail. (Of course, it is the better scenario when they just want drinks.) I ruffle my hair to look a bit better after this chaotic day. I guess all I want after this is a hot bath and a mind-numbing movie. Tomorrow it all starts again anyway.
But before that, it would be nice to meet with Calista. Last night I had a dream with her… I know, I know! I am a fucking idiot and those jerks at the bar could be more determined than me, but it is not about a one-night adventure. I have feelings for her and I want to make her happy if she is let me.
As I walk down the dark street, all I can think about is what I'm going to say to her. Usually she calls me for help and I'm happy to come, but this time I've come on my own. I quicken my pace when I see a female figure in the dim light, and I just hope it's her, not a good-looking, blonde-haired burglar, standing at the door of the beauty salon. I'm not in the mood to fight now.
- Hey Cal! I just wanted to see you and... Oh, sorry! - I follow her gaze to the ground. Wonderful! I couldn't have made a worse entrance. - Wait a minute, maybe I can help you. - I bend down and start to look for the key, but when I see it through the sewer grate, I laugh embarrassedly.
- Could you grab my bag while I climb down into the sewer? - It's ridiculous that something like this stays with me for work... I don't even wait for his answer, I just take out a screwdriver and work on getting down. But more importantly, I'm getting back as soon as possible. The stench that awaits me is disgusting...

346 szókredit


Unfortunate turn of events Empty
TémanyitásUnfortunate turn of events Empty2023-11-05, 18:40

Unfortunate turn of events

I gathered my keys from the reception counter and turned off all the lights in the shop before I stepped outside. It was a quiet day, not so many people showed their faces on this rainy saturday. Ever since I am taking online orders as well, the physical contact with my customers decreased. Not that I would hate it or anything, it is just…different. I am used to talking to them every single day, selling my product and getting to know their makeup and skin care routine. Unfortunately today I did not have too many interactions with them.
I let out a big sigh as I closed the door behind me then I found the right key for the lock. Before I could even push it in the hole I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. Without even realizing who it was I dropped my keys to the ground and as I turned to the figure I let out a short scream. Then I just blinked a couple times to see the person’s face in the dark. The streetlights gave a horrible help in that, so I really had to squint just to discover my friend’s identity.
- Tristan?! - I asked with a confused facial expression, still shocked by his sudden visit. - What are you doing here and…oh my gosh, where are my keys?! - I lift my hair up so I can see the ground better but sadly no shiny metal object is found in my sight. There is no way I lost them! I feel like I am gonna lose my head in any second and the first person who will get all my rage is poor Tristan.

281 ✦ baddest ✦ hello there

Calista Evergreen
Nem szórt rá senki csillámport

Calista Evergreen
Calista Evergreen
Mesehõs :
Unfortunate turn of events Tumblr_p8gitzkP6X1ut0jmvo4_400
Cornelia Hale
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
✦ ✦ ✦ :
Unfortunate turn of events 0f9feab9989574f3e76afa61c5532778fd7a6bd8
sarcasm isn't an attitude
Unfortunate turn of events 812b827002af558bfa0b1e6281886acfac1d1bec
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Jenny Boyd
✦ ✦ ✦ :
Unfortunate turn of events 20192879b847cce256c7d50108c0b63dcf33db53
it's an art
Unfortunate turn of events 35f030c46327464b818fc9192d811bd36c120b1e
A tükör mögött :

Unfortunate turn of events Empty
TémanyitásUnfortunate turn of events Empty2023-11-05, 18:35

Unfortunate turn of events
Caleb && Cornelia

Calista Evergreen
Nem szórt rá senki csillámport

Calista Evergreen
Calista Evergreen
Mesehõs :
Unfortunate turn of events Tumblr_p8gitzkP6X1ut0jmvo4_400
Cornelia Hale
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... :
Ennyi ember hisz bennem :
✦ ✦ ✦ :
Unfortunate turn of events 0f9feab9989574f3e76afa61c5532778fd7a6bd8
sarcasm isn't an attitude
Unfortunate turn of events 812b827002af558bfa0b1e6281886acfac1d1bec
Akinek az arcát viselem :
Jenny Boyd
✦ ✦ ✦ :
Unfortunate turn of events 20192879b847cce256c7d50108c0b63dcf33db53
it's an art
Unfortunate turn of events 35f030c46327464b818fc9192d811bd36c120b1e
A tükör mögött :

Unfortunate turn of events Empty
TémanyitásUnfortunate turn of events Empty

Ajánlott tartalom

Unfortunate turn of events Empty

Unfortunate turn of events

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